Hanover quiz Saturday
LUCEA, Hanover
The Hanover Parish Development Committee (PDC) and the Hanover Youth Council will on Saturday launch the first in a series of annual competitions, which they hope will help to keep the youth in the parish out of trouble.
“The purpose of the competition is to enable the youths to increase their knowledge of the parish, develop team-building skills, increase their self-esteem and build self-confidence… We hope it will also act as a catalyst for encouraging the establishment of youth clubs in Hanover, and keep the youths occupied and out of criminal activities,” said PDC president, Anthony Walker.
The Tafari Youth Club of Cave Valley and Haughton Meadows Police Youth Club will square off at the launch of the Hanover Clubs’ Challenge Quiz Competition in the first game at the Hanover Parish Church Hall in Lucea, scheduled for 7:00 pm.
Eight youth clubs – including Excel United, Kingsvale-based Starz, Axe and Adze, Johnson Town Youth Club and Forrest Young Lions – will participate in the eight-week competition, which offers a $50,000 championship prize among others.
President of the Hanover Youth Council, Kirk-Patrick Campbell, said he had no doubt the competition would be a huge success.
“I hope everybody will enjoy the competition, and I have no doubt it will be well supported by community members,” he said. “I think it will work out quite well because we have some competitive and intelligent young people in the parish.”