In pursuit of God
JOB 23:3 and 10: “Oh that I knew where I might find Him. That I might come even to His seat. But He knows the way that I take; when He has tried me I shall come forth as gold.” The trials of Job began to hit in quick succession; he lost his cattle, his servants, his health, his children and essentially all his earthly wealth (he was a very wealthy man).
Instead of blaming God for his misfortune, Job decidedly chose to worship God seeking His presence. “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.” (Chapter 1:22). He knew that it was only in the presence of God that he could find solace and restoration.
In Job’s frantic search for God, going forwards and backwards, to the right and to the left, he finally recognised that God, like the songwriter writes: “He is unshakeable, unmovable and unchangeable, that’s who He is…” God is immutable, omnipresent and above all omnipotent, all power belongs to Him, He is sovereign and all things are under His control.
Sometimes in our frantic search for God, we miss Him because of our preconceived ideas of His manifested presence. His own disciples failed to recognise Him when He walked towards them on water and again after His resurrection. So then, when we wonder whether God is present; the litmus test is, do we really believe His word and absolutely trust Him? God’s word says He will never leave us nor forsake us. He also tells us that when we call on Him He will answer. God is not lost. When we seek Him with all our hearts we will find Him! Will we, like Job, be able to say, “When He has tried me I shall come forth as gold”?
Eternal Father, today as a nation we chose to trust You with all our hearts. Although it may sometimes seem that Your presence is illusive, we believe and are confident that Your sovereign presence is with us according to Your infallible word.
In Jesus’ name,