‘I will not be a puppet’
Dear Editor,
Betty Ann Blaine has, like so many others who have commented and continue to speak with great authority about what they perceived that I have said, have missed the point completely! The most important thing in life is to get understanding.
Betty Ann in her column last Tuesday said, “Some Jamaican pastors have forgotten whom they serve…sided with government on extradition of a reputed “drug lord”… the most glaring example of pastors allowing themselves to be tools of the state.” Let me state again that my article was primarily to guide the nation to the higher plane from which to approach issues like this, to best inform solutions. It is a call to the “principle of justice” to form the base of correct outlook. One cannot resolve issues of justice outside of a commitment to the “principle of justice”. We ought not to allow fear, emotions, bias, etc, to guide decision-making on issues of justice as is unfortunately being done by most people speaking to the issue. Injustice to anyone anywhere, is injustice to all everywhere.
The scriptures teach, “Do not pervert justice; follow justice and justice only.” Betty Ann should be aware that it is because of “whom” I serve why I am duty-bound to teach the nation His ways, even if it is unpopular or misunderstood at first. The “principle of justice” demands justice for all, in all situations. I am not afraid to side either with government, Opposition or any other individual when they are right on principles, even if it means incurring the disfavour of some. I stated clearly that extradition is contrary to biblical teaching, hence I cannot support it as the possibility of a miscarriage of justice is extremely high. I indicated that a nation committed to the principle of justice should ensure that all citizens domiciled within its borders who violate the law, whether at home or abroad, should be brought to justice, to ensure that the “principle of justice” is held in honour. There is a difference between “tool” and “puppet”.Tools are wonderful implements to accomplish great works. I have no problem in being a “tool” of the state or anyone else on principles of right, truth and justice. I will not be a puppet to anyone or to please the crowd and popular opinion. I stand only on the ground of principle, and on such I am fearless.
If we centre the issue on extradition, we will not find the wisdom to resolve the issue and then create a greater problem; but if we correctly centre the issue where it belongs, on the ‘principle of justice’, resolution can be found, that will satisfy all and lead us in making this situation into an opportunity to tackle the larger problem, of which this is but the symptom. When justice is applied, we can tackle the conditions that create the dons, garrisons, tribalism and other social ills. I am disappointed that too many are blinded by their fears and prejudices that make it difficult to see principles.
Al Miller
Pastor, Fellowship Tabernacle
Kingston 10