Dixie Claire calls for TEEN auditions
THIS Saturday, June 9, the Dixie TEEN Dance Club will be hosting auditions to find star dance performers to be a part of the team.
Auditions are open to persons between the ages of 12 and 17, and will start at 3:00 pm.
Spearheaded by Candice Morris, the Dixie Claire Children’s Academy of the Arts caters to children from the pre-school level through to age 12; teaching modern, creative and hip hop dance, as well as Zumba, and martial arts.
The Dixie TEEN Dance Club gives a similar experience to TEENs and presents the perfect avenue for their creative expression through dance.
Interested persons can contact Dixie Dance via e-mail — dixiedanceja@gmail.com or through their Facebook and Twitter pages to get more information about the dance club and the requirements for the auditions.