Something to think about
The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.
—Joan Didion
I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.
— Frederick Douglas
Self-respect cannot be hunted. It cannot be purchased. It is never for sale. It cannot be fabricated out of public relations. It comes to us when we are alone, in quiet moments, in quiet places, when we suddenly realise that, knowing the good, we have done it; knowing the beautiful, we have served it; knowing the truth we have spoken it.
— Whitney Griswold
If I despised myself, it would be no compensation if everyone saluted me, and if I respect myself, it does not trouble me if others hold me lightly.
— Max Nordau
It is the highest form of self-respect to admit our errors and mistakes and make amends for them. To make a mistake is only an error in judgment, but to adhere to it when it is discovered shows infirmity of character.
— Dale E Turner