Is a certain lifestyle being forced on our children?
Dear Editor,
I would like to commend those brave mothers who came on the news to highlight the exploitation of our children by our so-called education system.
I take note of a news item to recall a curriculum sent to the schools that some parents find offensive.
Questions I would like to ask:
* Who wrote the curriculum, and who vetted and signed off on it?
* Where are the voices who say they love the children of Jamaica?
* Why didn’t the JTA recognise this breach?
* Why the silence — a wait-and-see attitude from the church, children’s advocates groups, media and our political leaders who love the Jamaican children?
We complain that our children are been abused, raped, abducted and abandoned. Isn’t our education system doing the same thing when they can ask students questions like:
“What do you think caused your heterosexuality? When and how did you first find you were heterosexual? Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of? If heterosexual is normal, why is it so many mental patients are heterosexual? If you have never slept with a member of your own sex, is it possible that you might be gay if you tried it? Would you want your children to be heterosexual, knowing the problems they would face such as heartbreak, disease and divorce?”
These are some of the heterosexual questions that are being asked of Grade 8 children in our schools. The homosexual questions are even worse. The age of consent is 16, so why are our children, 16 years old and under, being asked if they have sex?
Who is on a campaign to confuse our children? Why was the Martin Rochlin Survey adopted, and why did it become a part of our school curriculum?
It is obvious that someone or some group is on a campaign to force acceptance of a lifestyle on the Jamaican psyche. I note the TV advertisement on the homosexual issue that we heard about last year was aborted. Is this another subtle way to get the message across? Please do not involve our children; consenting adults can choose to be heterosexual or homosexual – that is one’s personal choice and it should be kept that way. I close with an extract from the prayer of our anthem “Eternal Father bless our Land/Guard us with thy mighty hand /Keep us free from evil powers/Be our light through countless hours /To our leaders, great defender/Grant true wisdom from above…” There is a message in our anthem and it is not just a song for national functions — our founding writers were so inspired. History is our greatest teacher. Look at the countries that have departed and are departing from their godly heritage. Jamaica, do not make the same mistake. “Justice, truth be ours forever, Jamaica, land we love.”
Hyacinth Campbell