Nothing matters if the poor love you
Dear Editor,
Being the astute politician she is, Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller knows that this brouhaha over $60 million for her ministers’ SUVs will soon blow over. Like the consultant issue, it is a nine-day wonder. People will talk and bemoan the fact that the government is insensitive and uncaring, but in the final analysis we know that the prime minister loves the poor, and the poor, according to the Bible, will always be with us.
The prime minister knows that there is no political capital to be gained from symbolism. Former Prime Minister Bruce Golding tried it, and look where he ended up – history. Driving around in a battered old car, taking a pay cut along with his ministers, delaying the purchasing of new vehicles in light of the worst recession since the 1930s, all this didn’t impress the Jamaican electorate. What we need is someone to love us. They don’t have to improve our GDP to that of Singapore’s, they don’t have to increase our net international reserves; all they need to do is tell us how much they love us.
If the government promises to renegotiate the IMF deal in two weeks and doesn’t do it, so what? We will wait for a year and the return of the scrap metal trade – more promises. Our people are exceptional if they love you as they do the prime minister; their having the largest Cabinet in our history, along with the most consultants and high-end vehicles, while Hurricane Sandy has destroyed the eastern side of the country doesn’t matter at all. With only four more years to go, this administration has shown its true colours. The expectation is that there will be more selfishness and less sacrifice, but don’t worry because the poor can stand it, as long as they love you.
Mark Clarke
Siloah, St Elizabeth