Dear Doc – December 2
Dear Doc:
Is there anything you can tell me about the orchid tolumnia? I just acquired some beautiful ones, but was not instructed how to care for them.
— Michelle
Dear Michelle:
Tolumnia, otherwise called equitant, loves warm bright weather. Some varieties can bloom all year round with the right care. Grow them in bright light (not direct sun) with good ventilation. Tolumnias are epiphytes and are best grown on slabs where their roots are dried quickly after watering. Allow roots to dry before watering again. Fertilise them once per week. I believe these orchids are first cousins to oncidiums.
Dear Doc:
Last week’s article featured a photo of a dendrobium in the middle of a tree. Does that mean I can tie my dendrobiums on the tree limb?
— Nadia
Dear Nadia:
Yes, it was a dendrobium mounted on the branch of a tree. As a matter of fact, you can always tie phalenopsis on the branch also. The difference is the phal goes in the shadier part of the tree, while the dendrobium goes into the brighter parts.
Betty Ashley is an avid orchid enthusiast who has spent decades successfully cultivating orchids for herself, as well as for orchid lovers across the island, earning herself the title ‘Orchid Doc’. Send your orchid questions and/or concerns to: