Pity the Europeans aren’t black!
Dear Editor,
If it isn’t clear yet that the colour white is not a good thing for Europeans, then the Reparations Commission on which we are about to waste millions of scarce tax dollars should be sufficient proof.
How is it that we can damn the Europeans for building their vast global empires on the backs of African slaves, and yet at the same time, boast about the African empires that were supposedly built by us – which, by the way, were also built by African slaves?
The Maroons, who are descendants of Africans brought to the West, recently celebrated the peace treaty that they “forced” the British to sign centuries ago. That treaty called on the maroons to forcibly return to the plantations those slaves who had escaped. Interesting, some of these very leaders who frequently decry slavery celebrated with these maroons.
Now, if the Europeans were black like us, then everything would be fine – both for them and for us. Instead of wasting money on pointless ventures like this reparations commission, we could use that money to replace the pit toilets that still exist at some of our schools. Instead of fooling ourselves about slavery, those millions could help some needy students get those loans they now cannot get from the Students’ Loan Bureau.
For the Europeans, being black would allow their “atrocities” to be white-washed. They wouldn’t have to worry about being blamed for all the problems of the black man! Their acts of buying out our ancestors in Africa and forcing them back to their slave masters would be seen as “right for the times”.
I know that people shouldn’t be ashamed of the colour of their skin, but in relation to reparations for slavery and for an end to the constant harassment, I know a lot of Europeans wouldn’t mind being black!
Michael A Dingwall
Kingston, Jamaica