Bruce Golding for NY lecture series
FORMER Prime Minister Bruce Golding will be the guest presenter at this year’s annual CIN Lecture Series, at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York, United States, tomorrow.
The CIN Lecture Series is regarded as one of the premier Caribbean calendar events in New York and attracts a large cross-section of diplomats, media, business and religious leaders, college professors and other members of the Caribbean community.
Each lecture has attracted capacity audiences of at least 600 people to the Schomburg Centre, and the presentation is subsequently aired on CIN TV, which reaches out to over two million Caribbean-Americans in New York, New Jersey
and Connecticut.
According to CIN boss, Jamaican Stephen Hill, Golding was chosen to deliver this year’s lecture on the basis of his over 40 years of contribution to Jamaica’s political, social and economic life, starting at the early age of 24.
“He is considered by many as one of Jamaica’s greatest orators and finest political operators,” Hill remarked, noting that the theme of his presentation will be “Jamaica’s Challenges, Opportunities and Imperatives”. The event starts at 7:00 pm.
Over the past seven years, presenters at the lecture have included Robert Hill, who spoke on “Marcus Garvey”; the late Rex Nettleford, who explored ‘The Caribbean Diversity: A Defining Point in the History of the Americas’; former prime ministers Edward Seaga, ‘The Folk Roots of Jamaican Cultural Identity’, and PJ Patterson, ‘The Importance of the Caribbean Diaspora to Economic Development’; Lowell Hawthorne, ‘The Importance of Entrepreneurship and its Contribution to Wealth Creation’; Member of Parliament and current Education Minister Ronald Thwaites, ‘The agony of change and the prospect of a new beginning in Jamaica”; then Contractor General Greg Christie, ‘The Fight to Secure Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in the Award of Government Contracts in Jamaica’; and in 2012, Douglas Orane, ‘The Key to Prosperity in Jamaica’.