Partitions for York Town Primary
MAY PEN, Clarendon — Students in Grades 5 and 6 at the York Town Primary School are now studying in an environment that is more conducive to learning, according to a news release from the bauxite/alumina company Jamalco.
This, as the classroom housing the students was recently partitioned courtesy of an ACTION (Alcoans Coming Together in our Neighbourhoods) grant. The grant, valued at US$3,000 was provided by the Alcoa Foundation.
Over the years, the open plan design was found to be impractical and difficult to teach in because of problems of noise and visual distractions, the release said.
Speaking at a function to dedicate the partitioning, Jamalco’s Acting Managing Director Corporate & Government Affairs Leo Lambert rejected the use of chalkboards to separate classrooms.
“This is a dysfunctional operation and cannot continue. It is unfair to expect our teachers to operate in this environment and I hail those who continue to function in these circumstances,” he said.
Lambert gave his commitment to continue working with York Town Primary and other schools in Jamalco’s operating area as “I am convinced that it is only through education that we are going to pilot this and the next generation out of poverty,” he said.
Councillor for the York Town Division and deputy Mayor of May Pen, Mr Euphell Percells commended Jamalco for its ongoing support of education. “This development to make the community a better place will benefit our young children and I must thank Jamalco for the assistance,” he said.
Representative of the Citizen’s and Security Justice Programme (CSJP) Maurice Thomas and Chairman of the York Town Benevolent Society David Brown were also pleased with Jamalco’s support for the school. “We really appreciate this gesture by Jamalco as it is very difficult to teach as you have to compete with the other classes. The partitions will help to control noise and improve learning.”
The York Town Primary School will benefit from another ACTION grant in 2014. The funds will be used to establish a resource centre at the school.
Alcoa Foundation provides ACTION grants to community based organisations, schools and NGOs when at least 10 Jamalcoans give at least four hours of voluntary service on a community outreach project, the news release said.