Ja needs a mix of Seaga and Manley for PM
Dear Editor,
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand,” Albert Einstein.
There was a period in mankind’s history known as the Dark Ages, figuratively and literally. There was no electricity and knowledge was scarce, life was brutish and reduced to “laws of nature”. Then mankind emerged from that dark period into what was termed the Renaissance or the rebirth of learning. The 20th century saw the greatest levels of invention and progress since man emerged from a cave.
Jamaica needs a renaissance and imagination. Damion Crawford is a young politician that is attempting such a reform, but he will make mistakes sometimes through exuberance. Remember Crawford initially attempted to use his Constituency Development Fund on education and infrastructure, instead of “pork barrel” politics. His ideas were soundly rejected by his constituents.
We cannot tell which political leader will emerge as the person with imagination and knowledge to make the type of exceptional difference we need. A mixture of Michael Manley and Edward Seaga may be the answer. Manley was inspirational and he possessed the rare quality called charisma. Seaga was a wizard at finance, but lacked that charisma. Today we need someone who cannot only imagine but can execute such imagination.
The 381MW power plant and the logistics hub are dynamic programmes that can push Jamaica beyond our dark ages. Fritz Pinnock, executive director of the Caribbean Maritime Institute, said: “It is going to happen. It is not a pipe dream”. He also said we, “analyse till we paralyse”. We need a political leader, even if he/she is devoid of scientific knowledge, to be able to explain in an inspirational way how the power project and the logistics hub will transform our country. It will take imagination and certainly charisma, but it will also take honesty. If either the PM or Andrew Holness can accomplish this task then that is the leader we will need to take us in the future.
Mark Clarke
Siloah, St Elizabeth