Gardening – June 8
Dear Orchid Doc:
A couple of Sundays ago you mentioned different ways of planting orchids, but it would have been a good idea if you showed us some pictures.
Dear Jenny:
My apologies. The pictures were not up to scratch. Here is a second attempt.
Dear Orchid Doc:
How do I acclimatise my orchids? Every time I put them in the sun, they get burnt, and I get worried and put them back in the shade. How can I acclimatise without the worry?
Dear JP
Just stop worrying and fertilise them more; keep them hydrated and allow enough air to circulate among them.
If the sun is extremely hot, use a few palm leaves and stick them among your orchids to protect them.
As the palm leaves wilt, your plants will gradually get accustomed to the sun.
Betty’s Landscaping ,Farm Garden Supplies
161 Constant Spring Road,
Kingston 8, Jamaica .
1-876-322-4585, 870-0191
876-931-8804, 876-755-2204