Ja’s fastest growing hobby: Walking the dog
Dear Editor,
In recent times it is quite noticeable the growing number of persons who walk their dogs. These dogs usually range from the small and gentle to the huge and vicious-looking ones. Interestingly, these dog owners have their dogs encroaching on public space without any consideration for other citizens.
These dog owners copy this hobby from the developed countries, yet many of them don’t copy the full package as they allow their dogs to relieve themselves on the sidewalk — at times without cleaning it up — and also refuse to provide their dogs with a mouth restraint.
Some of these dogs seem properly trained, but I have first-hand experience while out walking wherein some of these dog walkers have a challenge controlling their dogs when they see strangers. I often wonder if these dog owners realise the danger they pose on other users of the road when they take these animals into public spaces and the possible liability that’s involved. Outside of the comfort zone of these animals they pose a risk not just to able-bodied joggers, but also to the elderly, young children, and the vulnerable among us who are in public spaces.
Recently, I was out walking and a dog walker had difficulty controlling her dog and when I tried telling her about the seriousness of it, she behaved as if she didn’t see why I was so concerned.
I am in no way saying that people should not be free to walk their dogs, but they ought to think of others by walking their dogs in a responsible manner. They may feel the dog is trained, but the fact is, it is still a capricious beast and no dog walker can truly know for sure how a dog will react outside of their home. There is serious liability to be considered. The manner in which this hobby is being done is careless, selfish and without due consideration for the public.
Garfield Whyte