This is the real Ja, not the ideal Ja
Dear Editor,
The issues surrounding the application for police commissioner by Jamaican-born Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Wilfred Rattigan epitomise where we are at as a country. The debate is centred on whether or not a man with the qualification and expertise of Rattigan could not, at the very least, qualify for an interview with the Police Services Commission for the job of police commissioner.
There is a general view that Jamaica’s political practices are not healthy for its development and might be seen as the main reason the country is lagging behind in so many areas. Those that share that view believe that politicians are self-serving and will do whatever is in their power to influence support, even to the detriment of the country. They politicise everything.
This has created a general distrust between the people and their political leaders. This distrust has instilled caution in the populace to the point where they would rather see little political involvement in the selection of individuals to fill sensitive positions. The further those who are aligned politically stay away from those positions, the better it is for the country. Politicians will always look to promote those who are loyal at best, sympathetic at worst to their political party, and in so doing, the best person never usually gets the job.
Many people believe that a man like Rattigan would have been an excellent selection. He certainly brings knowledge and expertise to the job based on his resume, and the police force would do well with the injection of a new vision. He would also bring an attribute that everyone is looking for, and that’s the fact that he would be seen as independent of political influences. He could pursue his new job with a clear conscience.
This is the position of the realist. The idealist, on the other hand, believes in the application process. One applies for a job and the employers reserve the right to hire whomever they so choose based on their expectations. There are no legal requirements to explain to an applicant with specifics why he/she was not selected for a particular job.
There are those idealists who also believe that the office of police commissioner should be reserved for only those persons who now reside in Jamaica, as such persons would have a better grasp of the issues affecting the police force, specifically, and Jamaica generally. They see this debate as much ado about nothing. We might never know why Mr Rattigan was not selected, or even given an interview, and the assumptions will continue. The idealist will be content with this, if not our political leaders. One thing to note, though, is that we live in a real Jamaica, not an ideal Jamaica.
Ryan Russell
Brompton, St Elizabeth