The article titled “CPJ Pays US$750,000 for Coke Bottling Plant in St Lucia”, published on September 3, 2014, incorrectly stated that Caribbean Producers (Jamaica) Limited (CPJ) “paid approximately US$750,000 for its stake in a Coca-Cola bottling company in St Lucia”. The article also incorrectly stated that “the regional food distributor plans to capitalise on the acquisition of Du Boulay’s Bottling to roll out its full- service distribution”. CPJ has not purchased an interest in the Du Boulay Bottling Co, or has it acquired Du Boulay’s Coca Cola bottling plant. The board of directors of CPJ signed a shareholders’ agreement on February 4, 2014, to form a joint venture with the Du Boulay Bottling Company, the Coca-Cola manufacturer operating in Castries, St Lucia. The new company will be called CPJ St Lucia Ltd and commences operations as a food-service distributor in Castries, St Lucia in the near future. CPJ will retain controlling interest in this company. CPJ invested in CPJ Investments Limited, a company which holds investments in CPJ St Lucia Ltd. CPJ’s interest is represented in the form of shares, at cost equal to US$10,000 and capital costs from the set-up of the distribution operation in St Lucia of US$746,176. Du Boulay Bottling Company is CPJ’s partner in the new food-service company known as CPJ St Lucia.