Outameni baloney
Dear Editor,
Last week a member of the board of the National Housing Trust (NHT) declared on a popular radio programme that acquiring Outameni was the best investment that the NHT could make.
On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, Prime Minister Portia Lucretia Simpson Miller declared in Parliament that only the land was purchased and not the business itself.
One must wonder: Why the huge discrepancy?
Furthermore, it is Simpson Miller who has portfolio responsibility for the NHT, hence, this makes her revelation that she heard about the purchase in the media even more shocking. Really, are you kidding?!
The real issue here is not the purchase of either land or business or whatever the truth is. The major issue is that it is blatantly obvious that Mrs Simpson Miller is governing on autopilot. How could something with the potential for so much controversy and emotional reaction from the public not be reported to the prime minister ahead of time?
Either she is being sabotaged by people who might perceive her to be of inferior intellect or she has joined the board of the NHT in “best purchase” story, based on the declaration in the media that Outameni was bought as an investment.
For those of the opinion that this is a controversial issue, the leadership and direction of our country is fundamentally of greater concern.
Former tourism minister, Edmund Bartlett, wrote to the current tourism minister urging him to take action to preserve Outameni, if the letter being circulated by PNP operatives is to be believed. However, Bartlett made no mention of a pathway, nor was there any evidence of the previous Administration raiding the NHT for Outameni. Clarification should be sought from the officials of the JLP on their role, if any.
Jamaica is on autopilot, the prime minister is risking people just tuning her out. If the PM is unaware of her portfolio responsibilities, then she should give portfolio responsibility to someone else. Perhaps, someone who knows a little about important things.
Damion Heslop