The numbers game again, Dr Ferguson?
Dear Editor,
Every victim of chikungunya remembers it like it was yesterday, especially the Minister of Health Dr Fenton Ferguson day after day spouting obviously wrong CHIKV numbers. It got so bad that the minister appeared to have been forced into quarantine, given public outcry over the obviously wrong and low numbers while thousands of Jamaicans got knocked down by what we now know is a seriously debilitating virus for some.
There was no preparation, even though we later found out that CHIKV preparedness was the theme of a major international workshop in Jamaica years ago.
Now, many thought CHIKV would have run its course by now, but the sad reality is that thousands are still battling joint pain and several are dead. And, from what I am hearing, the numbers are not as Dr Marion Bullock-Ducasse is now saying. Maybe she is an equal victim as she played right into the ridiculous numbers game, destroying in an absolute way whatever credibility she had. Other ministry technocrats, probably knowing that they have made a complete mess of things, have stayed silent. I can’t recall hearing a word from Permanent Secretary Dr Kevin Harvey in a long time. In other countries the entire lot of them would have been fired.
It is obvious to everyone in Jamaica that far more than 14 people are suspected to have died from CHIKV-related complications. With well over half the country affected, an educated guess may see high numbers. Alas, there are no clear reporting methods and the guessing game will continue.
What a disaster! I pray for my country every day.
Georgia Kirkland
Kingston 6