Trump’s ‘talk’ sad, pathetic
Dear Editor,
It is not often that I take this route to address an issue, especially something as polarising and as divisive as the upcoming US presidential election. However, it would be remiss of me not to respond to letter writer Andre O Sheppy’s piece, ‘Trump’s no scumbag, he’s a scapegoat’.
I am really not sure what to make of his reasoning, or of what exactly it is that he is trying to say. However, this I know for sure. No amount of spinning or attempt to rationalise can excuse what we all heard on that now infamous Access Hollywood bus tape of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women.
For Sheppy to suggest that “any man on this planet could have been caught executing plans similar to what Trump had” is a fallacy of the highest order. In all my days here on Earth, and in my many interactions with male friends and acquaintances, I have never engaged in or have heard anybody admitting to what Trump admitted to doing to women on that tape. And this is not to say I haven’t heard men making crude remarks or talking about their sexual exploits. Certainly no one is naïve enough not to believe that things are said in private that would probably cause us some discomfort, if not embarrassment, if made public. What I am saying is that real men would in no way sit and entertain discussions about groping women and making unwanted attacks on them. That is sad, pathetic, and maybe even criminal.
I would urge Sheppy to be more careful with his thoughts before making them public. Not because Trump is “very rich, very popular and a front-runner for the US presidential race” he can do and get away with anything. This kind of super-elitist behaviour and feeling of entitlement have led to a breakdown of almost everything that is decent in today’s world and set a very bad example for our children — yours and mine.
Our leaders have to lead from the front. They have to understand that words do matter, and that when it is all said and done there is still a thing called good morals and ethics — or better yet, values and attitudes.
Garwin Davis
Ironshore, St James