Rock Honest Labour #Jamaica55
They are to be found in every parish behind or in front of their stalls where they artfully display their produce. The shiny, fatter fruits are at eye level — merchandising does not only take place at supermarkets! Indeed, few corporate teams can equal their sales technique, and fewer still able to survive a day in the trenches with them. Many of our readers have traded hilarious anecdotes about daring to stop, ‘feeling up’ fruit, not buying and being given a proper tongue-lashing. They are experts on local and international affairs and are skilled negotiators.
Take the scenic route as you head out to country this weekend and stock up for the weekend.
As you determine what to buy, engage your vendor, make eye contact and smile. Theirs is a life of mixed blessings. To quote, some ‘ups and down,’ but the dawn of each day brings renewed hope. Restock on the return to Kingston and wish as many of our vendors the very best for Independence.
Thursday Food highlights 22 vendors whose combined years of selling far exceed our nation’s 55 years of Independence.
Happy Independence!