Ruel Reid spoke the truth!
Dear Editor,
As I expected, many people, to include wayward school leaders and dumb, fame-seeking politicians, chose to attack Ruel Reid. Truth is, he spoke the truth, which too many Jamaicans just fail to do.
That is why we are in our current state as a country.
Many elites, including church leaders, just cannot bear to speak, hear or accept the truth, because they are so steeped in corruption. So, they crucify the messenger of truth while disregarding the truthful message.
Where are the responsible voices against the unprincipled actions of some principals who think the schools are their kingdoms?
As for the opportunistic People’s National Party, that’s no biggy. They are drowning fast, so they will grab on to anything allowing them airtime, hoping to keep themselves relevant or afloat. Ask them if they withdrew any of their uncouth comments in the past? Comments like these: “They are not babies in the real sense,” or “It must be his time of the month,” or “She’s not responsible for the fire because she didn’t start it,” just to name a few.
Ronald Thwaites labelled students “leggo beasts”, did he withdraw it? No! That’s why I am calling out these noisy hypocrites now.
Next, the several schools which have been collecting salaries and other monies from Government each month under false pretence, claiming they are teaching or educating, while sending out students who are illiterate into society, where is the outcry about that? Is that not the truth as well?
The minister should not retract his statement, nor should he doctor the words used, because they are factual. If some principals or school boards don’t like it, so be it. The schools that are collecting exorbitant fees should stop doing so and fall in line. The principals who are blatantly disregarding the instructions of the minister/ministry should be fired.
Finally, when the students begin to disobey, revolt and rebel against the school rules or authority I hope the principals remember where the students learnt it.
Joseph Edwards