I’m not ‘bad mind’ and bitter…just ‘draining the swamp’
Dear Editor,
I am writing in response to a letter to the editor, published on Thursday, December 14, 2017, in which the writer S Grey accused me of being a “bad mind” and “bitter person” with a bruised ego. What the writer has written brings into sharp focus how people side with the wrongs and try to defend the indefensible because of blind loyalty to a political movement.
Governments over the years got away scot-free or with just a slap on the wrist for their bad behaviour because of individuals like S Grey who can only see wrongs or right from a ‘colour’ perspective.
For us as a country to “drain the swamp of kakistocracy” we must all hold our governments accountable for their actions; how they govern and who are custodians of the various arms of government.
It would have been great for the writer to hold the red flag of poor governance and untrustworthiness of this Government than to come out and personally attack one who is standing against poor governance regardless of who governs.
I wish to remind the writer that is not only now that I have discussed publicly the lack of accountability by those who govern. Back in 2012 I used the floor of the Trelawny Parish Council (now municipal corporation) to publicly call on the then prime minister, Bruce Golding, to halt the Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme as it lacked transparency, and many regarded the programme as a scam and sham.
No one has to be on an ego trip to speak up against what they perceive to be wrong and against the interest of the common man. Governments and its leaders must lead by example and gain the trust of those it governs.
I wish to advise the writer he should join the voice of the people for a better Jamaica. Divest himself/herself of his life jacket and stop swimming in the swamp.
Come on, Grey, add your voice in support as we as concerned citizens try our very best to “drain the swamp” that will ultimately drown us if we don’t act and act fast.
Fernandez Smith