Make examples of all parties involved in the massive gun find
Dear Editor,
Why don’t we follow the Bible, its there. Until we make an example criminals their wickedness it will not stop! This is a tried and proven method, so what is preventing our country from using it?
Note, not only deejays are criminals!
And, I’m agreeing, 100 per cent, that sentences should run consecutively for individuals found or convicted on firearm charges.
Now, that woman who was named to collect the 119 guns, if and when she pleads guilty she should get five years for each gun, and I’m also suggesting one year for each round of ammunition too. That would run her about a nice 860 years of sentences running consecutively. It must be done to return order.
Some may say that’s absurd or exorbitant, and I know lawyers and human rights groups are ready to advocate otherwise, but we can ill afford another such shipment of guns. The court and country should set a trend now so importers will get the message; no more guns to be imported in barrels to the country.
Of course, I know that she will not be able to live to serve one-tenth of the 860 years. The intent is to severely punish and drive fear in similar criminals and prevent the repetition of the offence. Let her die slowly in prison knowing what she did was wrong, and always thinking how many people’s death she could have caused if those guns and bullets had not been detected.
Finally, her sentence should be reduced if she’s willing to give the names and addresses of others involved in the deal, so minus 20 years for each name given. Think about it, 119 guns cost a fortune. Someone or some people with heavy bank books and powerful connections are involved. Find them, him or her, and dish out the same sentence to them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this gun find destined for Montego Bay is somehow linked to the several killings recently in Clarendon.
Name and shame these despicable wretches! They are drastic in their ways to create havoc, so let us as a country be more drastic in dealing with them. Set a trend now for how we will deal with criminals for 2018 and beyond.
Joseph Edwards