JGRA joins call for ‘amicable solution’ to police wage dispute
KINGSTON, Jamaica — The Jamaica Gasolene Retailers Association (JGRA) has joined the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) in its call for the Government to urgently prioritise the needs of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
Members of the Jamaica Police Federation have rejected the six per cent salary increase offered by the Government and subsequently decided to stay off the job to protest against the offer.
The JGRA said its members and the entire petroleum-retailing sector have always requested additional support of the JCF around the yuletide season and have noted the JCF’s low visibility.
“In recognition of the severity of this situation, we also call on our Prime Minister Andrew Holness, to intervene in the negotiations between the Government and the JCF, so that an amicable solution can be attained. This can only augur well for good governance and its commitment for sustainable development and growth,” said the JGRA in a release today.
The association also said it recognises its invaluable partnership with members of the JCF in reducing crime at its network of service stations islandwide and is therefore “wishing for them, speedy recovery from their ailments”.