Today’s Horoscope — May 6, 2018
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Sunday, May 6, 2018: This year you often feel serious, as if you need to do some heavy thinking. The more you pull problems apart, the lighter you will become. For the most part, nothing that comes down the pike is unmanageable. You are much more in control than you have been as of late. If you are single, you will draw romance toward you all year long. You will sense a difference in the people you attract now versus those in the fall. If you are attached, the two of you enjoy staying close to home. You both are able to express the depth of your caring. AQUARIUS is more offbeat than you realise.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Friends surround you, but you might not be sure how to use your time. What is clear is that you need to make some fast changes in order to revive your energy. A friend might be amused by your unpredictability. Make the most of the moment. Tonight: Out to dinner with a partner.
This Week: You make a difference wherever you are Monday and Tuesday.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You enjoy yourself as long as you don’t have to push too hard to get others to follow your lead. You are right in the middle of events, and you gain a strong insight into what others need from you. Your changeability adds excitement to the day. Tonight: Adjust your plans.
This Week: Assume your leadership role by Wednesday.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Reach out to someone at a distance whom you care about. Many of you will use the interaction you experience with this person as an excuse to change your weekend plans, and perhaps even to visit with a loved one. You know what is best for you. Tonight: As you like it.
This Week: Look beyond the obvious.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Relate directly to a loved one, and spend some quality time with this person. Your sense of amusement emerges when dealing with a child. One-on-one relating evolves to a whole new level. The unexpected shakes up the status quo. Tonight: Choose a favourite pastime.
This Week: A new opportunity takes you down a very exciting path.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Your inner wild child emerges, but it might be too much for you to handle. You could learn a lot about a friend at a distance who shares some surprising news. A loved one shows his or her willingness to add more excitement to your day. Tonight: Invite a favourite person along.
This Week: Defer to others, and make your expectations clear.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): You might want to pace yourself and not get too involved with a matter involving a family member. Your finances take a walk on the wild side, no matter how you look at it. You can’t seem to keep your spending down. A little self-discipline goes a long way. Tonight: At home.
This Week: Get as much done as possible Monday and Tuesday.
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22): You might be more challenging than you realise. What is going on could shake up the status quo and prevent you from following through on your plans. You will like the excitement of an unanticipated change. Try to be less controlling than you have been. Tonight: Be carefree!
This Week: Stay anchored in your creativity Monday and Tuesday.
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): You might want to take a hard look at an unchangeable situation at home. An element of uproar runs through your day, bringing the unexpected toward you. You might need to clear the air in order to have a more positive experience. Tonight: Head out to a favourite place.
This Week: Let go Wednesday, when the need for fun arrives.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Make an effort to meet up with others who often colour your day. You might even meet at a favourite restaurant. You could be too busy to handle a wayward moment with a child or loved one. You will see a difference in how you handle future interactions. Tonight: Near good music.
This Week: Speak your mind, answer questions, explore your options.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Be sensitive to the costs of continuing as you have been. Your ability to get past a problem remains high. If you make no effort to change, you could become depressed. Try to move past the immediate issue. Respect others’ choices, even if you don’t agree with them. Tonight: Accept an offer.
This Week: You make many demands of yourself.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Take news with a grain of salt. You could be irritated by someone who seems to be pushing for more of what he or she wants. Refuse to be pressured by this person. You have the ability to be more independent than many people. Tonight: Your spontaneity colours the night.
This Week: Monday and Tuesday are prime times for you.
PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): You will want to honour a special friend. Open up to talks, and discuss how this person would feel most rewarded. Some of you might want to take the day off, while others could decide to head to the movies. Play the next 24 hours low-key. Tonight: All smiles.
This Week: Start the week with quiet work.
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