Can’t remain stuck in old thought
Dear Editor,
I’m glad Juliet Cuthbert brought the topic of abortion to the forefront.
When will people like Rev Alvin B, who was on prime time news on January 30, 2019 get their heads out of their tails and move with the modern times?
I’ve worked as a sex and reproductive health specialist nurse for over 30 years in the UK and have never heard such drivel.
Stop using the Bible to bagger females into keeping an unplanned unwanted pregnancy, which at times can be totally devastating both mentally and physically, especially if the female is a teenager.
Considering we, Jamaica, gained independence from the UK nearly 57 years ago it amazes me why we are still using laws and policies long outdated by our once-rulers.
Get with the programme, Vicar, and all you political bodies,. It’s women’s bodies and women’s choice.
Dorrett Graham