FIA stages successful 5K Colour Walk/Run
Over 300 people, aged three years to 69, participated in the inaugural staging of the Fairfield International Academy (FIA) 5K Colour Run/Walk in Ironshore, St James, last Sunday.
Tyrese Reid won the male section of the event, while Karlene Blagrove was first to cross the finish line in the female category. The race started and ended at the Blue Diamond Shopping Centre.
Proceeds of the event are in support of One Love Learning Foundation, which will in turn assist Watford Hill Primary in Hanover with projects.
FIA head Shirley Davis, who described the event as the first of its kind in Montego Bay and declared it a huge success, revealed that the academy plans to make the 5K run/walk an annual event.
The Jamaica Observer West roving photographer Philp Lemonte was at the fun-filled event and filed these photographs.