Britain’s looking like Zimbabwe
Dear Editor,
Great Britain has become a laughing stock of the world, like Zimbabwe,because of failure to find a credible democratic solution to Brexit, which will enhance the country.
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is doing what was done by Robert Mugabe and Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa when he threatened Members of Parliament with deselection for voting against his plan.
As a fellow writer recently said, “The British prime minister wants a hard Brexit, no matter the cost. When He didn’t even hesitate to suspend Parliament that was a statement of ‘I mean business.’”
It’s the kind of action more expected from a military dictatorship, and who to know better about military dictatorships than the current president of Zimbabwe and his predecessor.
Mugabe and Mnangagwa sacked or demoted Members of Parliament, even ministers, who had different views, failing to understand that parliamentarians are also driven by their conscience, not always the views of Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU–PF) leaders.
Heather Makawa
Slough, United Kingdom