A big round of applause for Shelly-Ann
Dear Editor,
“With confidence in yourself, you have won the race of life, even before you have started,” said Marcus Garvey.
Confidence has played a major role in helping Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce to win that women’s 100m World title in Doha on Sunday, September 29, 2019. She always delivers the goods at the right time, and at the right moment. She likkle but she tallawah!
One commentator said this about Fraser-Pryce: “She is a superb role model.” I second that. TVJ sports analyst Gillian Russell-Love said: “She is truly special.” Former broadcaster Alan Magnus, speaking on RJR’s Touching Base, spoke well of Shelly-Ann, especially with her having a baby and coming back to win a gold medal.
I am therefore dedicating these two songs to our Pocket Rocket: Derrick Morgan’s The Conqueror, and, The Clarendonians’ Do It Right.
Shelly-Ann did it right. She is a legend, she is a great athlete and she is the first woman in history to win four World Championships titles. A big round of applause for our sprint queen.
We have heard about unshakable faith. Fraser-Pryce is a unshakable champion. We are hoping to see Shelly-Ann in the 2020 Olympics.
Donald J Mckoy