Gift Policy to be developed for charitable donations to public health sector
Health and Wellness Minister Dr
Christopher Tufton says discussions are under way to develop a Gift Policy to
formalise fundraising activities for charitable donations to the public health
“We want to encourage giving by ensuring
it is done in an orderly way and in a transparent way that does not undermine
the motivation of persons and organisations. The gift must be used for the
purpose for which it was intended. This is one of the things that the Gift
Policy will outline – how you give and the accountability structure of how you
give,” he said.
Tufton made the comment at the recent handover of wheelchairs to the Ministry and the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) by the Wheelchair Foundation, through local partners, the Rotary Club of St Andrew and skills training institute, Operation Friendship.
He said that the policy also aims to give
recognition to those who give, as well as to put the appropriate mechanisms in
place to ensure accountability and that resources are used for the intended
“We want to encourage giving back, but
encourage it in a way that maximises impact. So, it will ensure the needs are
clearly specified as well as outline a protocol for how persons [and
organisations] give,” he said.