The Church and its selective silence
I am no theologian or author. I am just a guy who likes to write and share my views about the current issues that affect us as citizens of this country. I am someone who studies the Bible to an extent and the life of Jesus Christ, who is the foundation of the Church and the religion called Christianity. Based on my limited study of the book I think I have the ability to share my opinion on what I think the Church isn’t doing and should be doing.
Studying the life of Christ, one thing for sure is that he was consistent with his belief and what he stands for to his death. At no point in his time on Earth did he compromise his belief for the sake of a good name, invitation to a State dinner, fear of his life, or anything that was in keeping with his mission on Earth. He was resolute in what his mission on Earth was and how we as people should live among one another.
Based on the above, I would like to look at today’s Church which was built upon the rock of Jesus Christ the saviour and soon-coming king, according to the belief of the Church. Christ was consistent with his voice against injustice, false prophets, and for speaking for the poor, needy, and less fortunate. His mission was about these people who didn’t have a voice before and how he could make their life better off.
There are several topics about which Christ would be vocal if he were on Earth in Jamaica today. These include the poor sleeping on the floor or in chairs at hospitals, young men being kicked by police from one end to the other while the State is silent. Other issues would also include politicians stealing from the poor for themselves and their cronies, and the fact that there are people within the community and the church dying of hunger.
The Church of today is so selective in what it does and speaks out against. We are living in a country in which corruption is at its peak for the past two decades, and the Church is silent on that. We see pastors on political platform celebrating and galloping with these corrupt politicians when they should be using the opportunity to condemn their wickedness and their neglect of the less fortunate.
Who will speak for the poor when the Church is busy in its silence, with pastors securing invitations to birthday parties or enjoying bouquets for inaction.
The Church should be a place of refuge; where one who needs help, a voice, and comfort should run to. But these days it has become a social club, where as long as you behave a certain way, look or speak a certain way you can join.
A few years ago, when the country decided to have gambling done on Sundays, the Church was vocal against it. In recent months the LGBT lobby groups decided that they would walk the streets, once more the vocal strength of the church was at it again. Aren’t these people created by God, the head of the Church? Aren’t these people the same ones to which Christ referred in his word when he said that he came not for the righteous but for sinners to repentance. Aren’t all sinners in need of being saved?
Who are you to be on a platform condemning this creation of God? Why don’t you take a day out of your busy, silent schedule and witness to them to tell them of the love of God and why they should change their ways and surrender their hearts to God.
There are many people in Jamaica today who don’t want to live anymore because they were abused by a clergyman in their innocent days; these men stole their innocence, why has the Church been silent on chastising the minister who was caught with his Bible closed and pants down?
The Church should be the voice calling for justice for one and justice for all. It shouldn’t be selective on what it speaks against and stands against. It should speak against corruption, abuse, injustice wherever it exists, and be a place of refuge for the less fortunate and the homeless.
We have the Church in Jamaica spending thousand of dollars buying drapes while young people there want to pay for their end-of-high-school examinations but parents can’t afford to do so. There is so much need around us.
The greatest commandment of all is love. If a man loves only who loves him what type of love is that? Because even the wicked can do that. Let us look back on the core functions of the Church. A pastor will preach that you should give one-tenth of your salary for tithes and offerings, but will not preach about why you should give it.