We must take responsibilities for our State
Dear Editor,
Shouldn’t we all live lives that are dignified? Dignified in the sense that our human rights are acknowledged and affirmed in our daily lives throughout the society of Jamaica? The answer is yes.
The truth is, as citizens of the developing world, we are often confronted with the fact that our human dignity is not being met by our home states. Consequently, citizens like myself are left wanting more out of life and there is an immense desire for change in the way our society operates.
But what can we do? Become an active citizen and push for change!
Active citizenship entails people getting involved in the development of their states by using the opportunities afforded by democracy at all levels. This can be in the form of talking to your local representatives about your needs for a better road network, and even in a larger context like launching a national campaign that advocates for rural engagement in the developmental process.
By simply being a Jamaican you are entrusted as protectors of our beloved society. Therefore, you should be able to influence the trajectory of our State’s development. At Speak Now Jamaica, we implore Jamaicans to become active citizens and by default guardians to our State. Speak up about injustices and hold our Government accountable by voting based on policies and good governance. Become involved in your local communities, volunteer, start a blog, and push for societal changes in spaces that you can.
Jamaicans are arguably some of the most passionate people on Earth. I assume that we all are passionate about Jamaica and we desire change that will effect better lives for us all within the society. For example, we talk extensively about the exclusion and neglect of poor people throughout Jamaica in bar talk and even in our creative expressions like music.
As Jamaicans who are passionate people we must then start transferring this passion for change in the way we look at citizenship. Our citizenship as Jamaicans should be rooted in responsibility with democratic values. This means supporting concepts like rule of law, diversity and inclusivity. We must respect each other throughout the society. We should take care of our environment and we must reject all forms of corruption and criminality.
Admittedly, this will take years of behavioural change for us within the society, but we can start today, right now in our small surroundings. Jamaica is a beautiful country, but we are suffering from the effects of slavery, colonisation, and years of sporadic governance. We are left in 2019 with generations of people who are desiring more; a new Jamaica that dignifies their very existence and provides a life for everyone that’s filled with opportunities and realisations. This new Jamaica will only be actualised by active citizenship and as such we must be the change that we desire.