READERS’ COMMENTS: Crime the number one issue in 2020
There is no doubt that Jamaica has made gains in 2019 especially with the economy. There is growth and while this growth is small, growth is always better than none at all.
There is fast paced activity in construction and our stock market is bubbling at its various levels.
While the country is making strides the one impediment halting progress is crime.
The numbers are not good. Up to last week based on figures published in this newspaper there were over 1,300 murders which is the key indicator in the crime statistics.
This is much too much, as over 1,300 murders represent an increase over last year and the year is not done as yet.
For us as Jamaicans to clear the proverbial corner of success there has to be a significant lowering of the number of murders committed on this island. The various initiatives State of Emergency and the Special Zones have not helped to curb this monster of murders, hence the increase.
What is to be done? In 2020, the Government and the Opposition instead of bickering have to join forces to make the reduction of all crimes the number one priority.
I for one will support even a temporary suspension of certain rights in order to get the job done as without harsh and well planned measures this scourge will never leave us.
The pussyfooting and the arguments between the political forces have to cease as only a concerted national effort can put a dent into our major problem which is crime.
So, no more, one-upmanship in 2020, the task is clear, the remedy or remedies have to be found.
Gerald Langston
St Thomas