Yup, you have outgrown your partner
Your arguments have more rounds than a boxing match, and when their name
comes up on the phone, it does not fill you with that warm fuzzy feeling but
rather has you hissing your teeth and ignoring the calls. Though you still love
them, you recognise that you may not like them sometimes, and you wonder why
you are still holding on to a relationship that no longer makes you feel good.
Is it worth the stress?
If you are experiencing most of that, you probably need to re-evaluate
the situation as objectively as you can muster. Is it worth the stress? Do the
pros outweigh the cons? Can both your love conquer all the issues you
collectively have or have you simply outgrown the person you are with?
In order to figure out if you should ease on down the road alone,
consider the following signs to determine if the relationship has outlived its
usefulness to you. Sometimes the truth is painful, but better tears now than a
lifetime of hurt that could have been avoided.
Avoiding a lifetime of hurt
1. You no longer respect them or
their opinion. Red flag number one. If when they share, you dismiss their
opinion as being irrelevant, you have already checked out. You just do not
realise it as yet.
2. They no longer do it for you sexually. If when they get naked or try
to get intimate, you feel nothing, then their sex appeal is no longer appealing
to you.
3. You feel taken for granted or you take them for granted. Either way
it is not good.
4. The things you have in common are no longer that similar. If your
core values have shifted or changed and what is important to them is no longer
that critical to you, it is time to say goodbye.
5. You no longer do or want to do stuff together. If you spend more time
apart than together and it is not a long-distance relationship, then you simply
do not care to be in each other’s presence.
6. Their presence irks or annoys you. If being around them aggravates you, then you have subconsciously checked out already. Have enough respect for them to end it decently and as amicably as possible.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of BUZZ or its employees.