Death penalty for road law breakers
Dear Editor,
Who is in charge of road safety in Jamaica? Is it the Island Traffic Authority or the law enforcement officials?
What is the role of the Road Traffic Act?
Are those the bodies responsible for road safety doing a good job or are they guilty of corruption? Recently, a taxi operator accumulated 1,091 traffic tickets; another motorist was in trouble after amassing 425 traffic tickets; and yet another had 423, and the list goes on.
And, did I hear news items that one was also given 700-odd traffic tickets, some time ago?
This is absolutely ridiculous! How can you allow lawbreakers to get away with so many traffic offences, or be given so many chances for speeding or the devil knows?
This is unacceptable! They should be given one or two tickets, and that should be enough. But so many? That’s crazy!
All those who are giving out, and continue giving out multiple traffic tickets to reckless drivers who are disobeying traffic laws should be charged and sent to prison, because they are not setting any example.
Paying money for traffic fines is not enough. What about the cost of life? Can they bring back the deceased to life?
A rowdy person who purposefully disobeys traffic laws and ends up killing two or more individuals in a traffic crash should be given the death penalty.
A stiff-necked driver who deliberately ignores the warning to drive carefully or to cut his speed, should there be an accident resulting in the loss of a life, that stubborn brute should be given 60 years in prison.
I am appealing to you all, open your big mouths and shout out to reckless and careless drivers who are gambling with your lives on the streets of Jamaica. The powers that be must stop showing mercy to barefaced murderers driving vehicles.
Donald J McKoy