Watchful eyesMotorists drive through a security checkpoint on Mountain View Avenue in Kingston on Tuesday.
January 16, 2020
Street scenes — January 16, 2020
Watchful eyes
Motorists drive through a security checkpoint on Mountain View Avenue in Kingston on Tuesday.
Called to the bar
After being called to the bar at the Supreme Court in downtown Kingston on Tuesday, attorneys-at-law pose for photos outside the courthouse.
A motorcyclist dons his helmet as he makes his way along King Street in downtown Kingston on Tuesday with a pillion passenger.
On the go
Seen on King Street in downtown Kingston on Tuesday, this vendor wheels his items around town.
A matter of perspective
Depending on how you look at it, a sign warning about an open trench in Half-Way-Tree, St Andrew, could possibly convey a whole other message.
Called to the barAfter being called to the bar at the Supreme Court in downtown Kingston on Tuesday, attorneys-at-law pose for photos outside the courthouse.
A motorcyclistdons his helmet ashe makes his wayalong King Street indowntown Kingstonon Tuesday with apillion passenger.
On the goSeen on King Street in downtown Kingston on Tuesday, this vendor wheels his items around town.
A matter of perspectiveDepending on how you look at it, a sign warning about an opentrench in Half-Way-Tree, St Andrew, could possibly convey awhole other message.