Wheatley is a hard-working, decent, law-abiding political representative
Dear Editor,This is a response to the letter written by Teddylee Gray and published in the Jamaica Observer, titled ‘Wheatley should not run in the upcoming elections’.
Now, I read this lazy attempt at demonising the great, former councillor, mayor and now Member of Parliament Andrew Wheatley.
He has never been charged with any form of corruption and, if the writer to your paper had done his homework or was even being honest in his utterances, he would have seen where the auditor general has cleared Wheatley of all accusations of mismanagement and alleged corruption or misappropriation of funds at his former Ministry of Energy.
I read the letter searching for a quote from even one of Wheatley’s constituents confirming that he is ineffective or non-performing or even not present in his constituency, but that was never mentioned.
Those would be grounds to ask the Member not to run, but when I spoke to councillors, party workers, and the common folk on the ground in his constituency they sang high praises of visibility, of his hard-working nature, the developments, and keen interest in the youth and most vulnerable.
Gray has shown no evidence that Wheatley is unfit to continue in his role as Member of Parliament.
Whoever has given the letter writer the charge to destroy the name of Dr Wheatley needs to roll back the curtains of memory.
The mention of Ruel Reid was unfortunate, as the gentleman’s case is before the courts this week and we all await the positive outcome of the trial.
Alex GayleKingston alexgayle31@gmail.com
The media must ensure the high quality of newspapers is maintained, and not allow politically vindictive individuals space to attack hard-working, decent, law-abiding citizens and political representative who are doing the people’s work in a honourable, responsible and lawful manner.