How influential are you?
To exert a measure of
control over how others think and act can be a powerful feeling. Just ask any
popular politician, pastor or even teacher and they can tell you. That kind of
power, if channelled properly and positively, can be a source of growth and
change that can mobilise communities and individuals and bring out the best in
people. That is what people of influence can produce.
Role models
In this era of social
media, many people are popular, unfortunately, sometimes for all the wrong
reasons. People who do a tonne of cosmetic surgeries, date athletes and
artistes, make sex tapes and wear next to nothing have become role models for
too many of our young people who aspire to be like them. In their estimation,
even if the attention is negative; even if the person is more infamous than famous,
the fact that they are trending, means that people are interested in their lives.
In a society where values are no longer valued; where doing the right thing
makes you weird or an outcast, this cannot continue if mankind is to not only
survive but evolve.
Influence should ideally
inspire us to do better and be better. Make us share, care and be better human
beings. Some people are such influential beings. Do you consider yourself one
of them? Can you capture people’s attention and hold it when you speak to
others and inspire them with your pearls of wisdom? There are ways to test just
how influential you are as a designated leader or as someone catapulted to a
position of power. See if you make the mustard or if you need to go back to the
drawing board and step up your game.
Talk the talk
1. You do not always say much, but when you
talk, people stop to listen.
2. People come to you for unsolicited advice
and recommendations.
3. You walk the walk and
live the life you talk about.
4. You are not in competition
with others and genuinely cheer for people who are successful.
5. Even if you disagree,
you will support someone else on their journey.
6. You are consistent.
7. Your expertise in your
field cannot be denied and therefore people learn when you share your educated
8. You are reliable and
keep your promise once given.
9. You tend to surround yourself with others who are like-minded in both business and their personal lives.
10. Your private life is just that: private, and therefore cannot be subjected to gossip and rumour mills.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of BUZZ or its employees.