National Weather Service puts Floridians on alert for falling iguanas
Yes, you read that right, BUZZ fam.
Temperatures have plummeted so low in
Florida that green iguanas, shocked by the cold, are falling from suburban trees
across the state.
Thermometers dipped below four degrees Celsius
(40 degrees Fahrenheit) in parts of South Florida, according to the National
Weather Service in Miami on Wednesday.
The snap cold is freezing the reptiles in
state atop Florida’s trees, however, experts noted that it doesn’t necessarily
mean the animals are dead.
The iguanas have a good chance of thawing
out if they are moved into the sun, but residents are being advised not to
touch the animals, as they are known to bite once they warm up sufficiently.
Kristen Sommers, who oversees the non-native
fish and wildlife programme for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission, told CBS News that the iguanas get sluggish, ultimately freezing up
as temperatures drop.
The cold-blooded creatures are native to
Central and South America, but in the US, they are categorised as an invasive species.
The iguanas are not the only reptiles
affected by the cold snap as biologists have been rescuing stunned sea turtles
found floating along or near the Florida shoreline.