‘Uncle Barry’ will be missed
Dear Editor,
I offer condolence to the family members; theatre fraternity, with special focus on dance; and all those who would have been blessed in some way from having been acquainted with Barrington “Barry” Moncrieffe.
He was:
Decent, keen, and courteous,
He had worked for the upliftment of humanity;
And whilst he danced with sheer aplomb
He also engaged the varied aspects of his destiny.
He directed, choreographed and taught.
He blew life into cloth!
And like he showed his prowess on the stage
His spark of genius, along the clothing line, could hardly be surpassed!
He was his very own person.
He was never swallowed by the likes of furtiveness.
His smiles were real and reassuring.
He did give of his best.
“Uncle Barry” will be missed as much as the sun is,
When dark skies prompt the rain.
One great thing to remember, though, is that he never lived in vain.
In fact, he seemed to have derived his full potential upon this corporeal plane.
So, now that he has leapt into that space of brilliant, ethereal light
All we can do is give thanks
For his contribution to our lives.
Plie and straggle!
Leap to freedom, Moncrieffe! Leap!
Nothing, now, can stop you, brother
As the mystical drums lead you to peace.
Taka-tam! Taka-tam! Taka-tam! Taka-tam!
Erica Brown Marriott
c/o piapam2014@gmail.com