COVID-19 scare pushes increase in sale of disinfecting products
THE distributor of Lysol has decided to increase supplies of the product to its customers, as Jamaicans prepare themselves in case the novel coronavirus reaches the island.
Ann Sawyers, assistant manager at Shoppers Fair Supermarket in Eltham Park, St Catherine, told the Jamaica Observer yesterday that the distributor reached out to inform the establishment that it would be getting additional Lysol disinfecting products.
Sawyers said, however, that the supermarket was not experiencing a shortage of disinfectant and anti-bacterial wipes.
David Hemmings, who was in the store at the time, said that he has been taking the necessary precautions to keep safe. “I am here today stocking up on hand sanitisers, wipes, etc. Overall, the aim is to keep him (his son) restricted as possible. So, coming to the supermarket this early is strategic. Not many persons are here at 11:00 am.
He added: “I listened to a report where people were asked not to buy out the masks because the hospitals need them, and that we should focus more on cleanliness, and that is where I am focusing. I have wipes at home, in the car, and I am just constantly wiping,” he said.
At PriceSmart in Kingston, no Lysol products were in sight. According to manager Nikita Anderson the store hss been out of Lysol products since Monday of this week and should have them restocked by the end of the month.
She also noted that disinfecting products have been flying off shelves a little faster than usual since the outbreak of the virus in China.
A duty manager at MegaMart in Kingston also said people seem to be buying disinfectant more, but thus far, there has not been a shortage.
While some consumers are taking the necessary precautions, two people who spoke to the Observer yesterday said that they have not been doing anything special and are, at this time, not too concerned about the novel coronavirus.
“I’m not doing anything special. If it is to come, there isn’t anything I can do about it,” one nonchalant shopper said.
Just last month, there were at least three people who had travelled overseas, returned to Jamaica and were suspected of having the virus.
Testing was done and they were declared virus-free.
The first patient, who had arrived on January 30, presented at Annotto Bay Hospital and was later isolated for further investigation. The public was informed on February 10 and February 12, respectively, of the second and third patients being put in isolation.
The second individual had an elevated temperature, which was detected while in quarantine. The third person was put in isolation after being detected with a fever on arrival at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay on February 11.
In the meantime, the Ministry of Health has been reiterating infection prevention precautions, such as frequent hand-washing, coughing and sneezing in tissue and discarding it, as well as avoiding contact with people who are ill.
The ministry has also advised people who are having flu-like symptoms to stay away from other people to prevent the spread of infection.
– See Pages 6 and 7 for stories on the novel coronavirus