Shipping Association coordinates industry response to COVID-19
KINGSTON, Jamaica — The Shipping Association of Jamaica says it has activated its emergency response plan in recognition of the need to protect its staff, members and business in the face of the threat posed by COVID-19.
The association said actions taken so far include researching and verifying intelligence on the virus daily, and then disseminating such official communiques from the Ministry of Health and Wellness to inform employees and members of proper methods to avoid and mitigate the effects of the virus.
At a macro level, the association stressed its support of the work and guidance of the Quarantine Authority of the Ministry of Health and Wellness as the shipping industry’s first and very effective line of defence against the virus.
The Quarantine Authority requires and receives information on passengers and cargo arriving in Jamaica by sea and conducts rigorous risk management to ensure that the virus does not spread from vessels, the crews, passengers and cargo that arrive at our ports.
At a local level, the association said it took the decision to restrict business travel and further require that any staff member who undertakes foreign travel during the period of heightened concern should properly notify the association of such intention or completed travel and provide evidence of medical clearance before returning to duty.
In its own offices, the association said it has placed the guidelines supplied by the Ministry of Health and Wellness in highly visible locations, highlighted the locations of facilities for proper handwashing, and placed hand sanitizers in appropriate locations.
Staff is also being encouraged to limit social contact with colleagues and customers and to follow the guidelines provided by the ministry.
Members have been advised to activate business continuity strategies and, where possible, to consider remote working for staff who can be enabled to do so.
The association has also taken the decision to facilitate remote working among its own staff whose work does not require daily physical attendance at the office and said it will review how long this policy will be followed in two weeks and whether it will continue beyond that schedule.
The association said it will continue to monitor the situation and provide additional guidance as it develops.