Holness is once again right
Dear Editor,
After all the hoopla about the Jamaicans stranded on the high seas and how the Andrew Holness-led Government is wicked to have not brought them home quickly, with each passing day the decision to bring them back in phases is looking like a stroke of wonderful genius.
While many of us were seized with fear about the wholesale repatriation of Jamaicans back to the island and the consequences of releasing them into the population without the means to monitor them, the Government was busy putting in a plan to protect the wider population, which is its first priority, and to get those stranded home.
If one should have followed the hapless, useless, and redundant People’s National Party (PNP) and its operatives, it would look as if the Government was being cruel, callous, and inhuman by not allowing everyone to return all at once.
But with the cases of COVID-19 amongst those that came in rising by the day, just imagine the unholy catastrophe that would have gripped this island had the Government done what the PNP and some commentators was asking for? We would be looking like Italy by now.
We have had governments in our past that we can say saved the day — case in point the Edward Seaga Administration. It’s my view, however, that no Government in the history of this country, faced with a challenge like this pandemic, has done so well, with so little resources, all the while, having to deal with some traitors within the media and an ungodly Opposition which would love nothing more that to see the Administration collapse.
For that reason alone we should thank the good Lord that it is the “Holy Trinity”(so to speak) in charge — Andrew Holness, Nigel Clarke and Christopher Tufton.
Fabian Lewis