Worthy Cocktails for Worthy Dads
In celebration of Father’s Day, Sunday, June 21, we want to recognise the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children. Worthy Park Estate has partnered with some worthy dads to celebrate the true meaning of fatherhood. This week, in the first of a four-part series, we engaged worthy dad Christopher Reckord, CEO, tTech Ltd, in conversation over a Worthy cocktail.
Reckord is the father of two beautiful teenage girls — Lauren, 13 and Hannah, 15 — and he shared some of his worthiest dad moments with us.
Stay tuned for the month of June as we raise a glass to worthy dads!
Thursday Food (TF): What does being a ‘Worthy Dad’ mean to you?
Christopher Reckord (CR): It means setting an example, being a role model and mentor, a guide, an advisor, a teacher and a provider.
TF: What is your favourite part about being a dad?
CR: I’d have to say my favourite part is learning from my girls, that’s the favourite, most rewarding part. I have to say, though, I also love hearing them laugh, enjoying a meal with them and seeing their faces light up because of a new discovery.
TF: What is one piece of advice you want to share with all fathers and dads-to-be out there?
CR: Providing time is more important than providing things. It’s so, so important to make and take the time to build a strong relationship with your children.
TF: Give us three words to describe what fatherhood has been like for you.
CR: Rewarding, challenging, awesome!
TF: How do you like your Worthy Cocktail and why?
CR: I guess it’s connected to the fact that I tend to prefer complex wines — so I definitely prefer a more complex cocktail. The Worthy Park Single Estate Reserve is a rich, powerful rum. This cocktail isn’t too sweet, it’s well-balanced and I love that it’s simple enough to recreate easily at home to enjoy. It’s the kind of drink you can ponder, consider and really take the time to enjoy.
TF: When is the best time to enjoy a Worthy cocktail?
CR: On the weekend with family, friends, preferably on a beach somewhere on the north coast.
TF: What is one key lesson that you learnt from your dad that you’ve passed down to your children?
CR: Every action has consequences; choose your actions wisely.
TF: Share your worthiest moment of being a dad.
CR: Taking my family on our first trip to Europe. I never had the privilege of going to Europe until I was an adult, so it was such a joy and honour for me to see my girls’ faces beaming for the entire trip and for us to share such a memorable, special experience altogether. From sitting on the London Eye, to floating through Venice in gondolas, to visiting their great-grandfather who is over 90 in England – it was a trip I know they’ll never forget and it was such a blessing and a reward to have made that happen.