Dear Editor,
I strongly agree with the previous stance taken by the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) to reject the UK prison deal.
It was very insulting to see our former enslavers donating money to build prisons here. How about investing in programmes to help prisoners change and, after serving their time, come out as better citizens and possibly with various qualifications? What about investing tuition fees to keep our youth away from guns and closer to their books? Why should we take money from a former enslaver to enslave our own?
We should be working on ways to keep our citizens out of our prison system; not making more prisons!
If they want to do something positive they should look, instead, at funding university education for the most needy, help improve public health care, finance all basic schools, and support healthy diets in all schools.
It matters not who rejected the idea. Bright and out-a-order!
The Jamaica Labour Party was strongly against this move by the then Portia Simpson Miller-led Administration, I encourage them not to have a mind-change, but to resist this move by our former enslavers to try to further enslave us.
Many Jamaicans have been advocating for reparation, but we are yet to have a valid meeting with our former enslavers. Still, they are quick and ready to give us prisons, what an insult!
Romell Eubank
University student
Mandeville, Manchester