Tax Administration gives tax payment reminder
TAX Administration Jamaica (TAJ) is reminding business people that the following taxes are due tomorrow, Monday, June 15, 2020:
– Estimated Income Tax (2nd quarter)
– Self-Employed Statutory Payments (2nd quarter)
– Statutory Deductions (S01) for the month of May – must be filed online using the enhanced form.
In the case of the statutory deductions, employees are normally required to make the declaration and payment on the 14th of each month, however, the usual due date falls on the weekend.
Business people are being encouraged to use the TAJ’s online payment option which provides a COVID-19-safe alternative to do business with TAJ, and accommodates the filing and payment of all major tax types including payroll taxes and deductions, income tax, property tax and the General Consumption Tax (GCT).
Individuals can log on to the tax portal at to pay the taxes now due, using a valid credit card or a debit card with credit card features. Customers with a Bank of Novia Scotia (BNS) account may also pay via ACH electronic bank transfer. This option allows users to make payments from their bank account directly to TAJ’s bank account up to a maximum of $99,999,999
TAJ also accepts payments made via direct banking. Business people are required to provide their financial institution with the TAJ bank account information, along with their TRN, effect payment to TAJ’s bank account, complete sections A–D of the Direct Banking Payment Advice (DB01) at, and email it to
Additionally, business people are reminded that payments may be made at any of TAJ’s 28 tax offices across the island.
Strict public health and safety guidelines will be observed. All customers visiting any of the TAJ’s tax offices are required to wear a mask.