The new look of travel? Caribbean Airlines readies to take to the skies
As the coronavirus
(COVID-19) continues to wreak havoc, disrupting every facet of human life,
countries and companies are increasingly tasked to find new ways to cope.
With many territories opening up to international travel, and others developing protocols to follow suit, airlines and passengers alike are preparing for the new look of travel.
Several Caribbean nations have announced plans to reopen, with Antigua and Barbuda and St Lucia welcoming visitors as at the first week in June. Jamaica followed suit, allowing international arrivals as of yesterday, June 15.
As such, carriers across the world have been working towards the safe resumption of regular flights among their destinations. Caribbean Airlines this weekend displayed part of its measures to make its flights safer for its crew and passengers.
The Trinidad-based airline is part of Jamaica’s strategy to repatriate stranded nationals from across the region.