Shaming us Jamaicans for the increase in COVID-19 will not work!
Dear Editor,
Looking at social media and the mainstream media here I get the feeling like our people are being blamed for the spread of COVID-19 in Jamaica when there’s a spread everywhere in the world.
Calling Jamaicans an unruly and a stubborn nation won’t work with me.
You have some people on social media, especially Twitter, every chance they get to beat down on Jamaica they will. Meanwhile, in America, they have over two months of non-stop so-called peaceful protests and there is no comment. Meanwhile, many Americans are still opposed to the wearing of masks, because they say it’s unconstitutional, and there is no castigation.
I see where the Jamaican police, instead of fighting criminals, are charging people for not wearing masks. I am now beginning to wonder if that’s constitutional.
COVID-19 is on the rise in Europe also, why aren’t those Jamaicans on social media trying to shame those Europeans for being irresponsible? Why try to shame Jamaicans alone? Why not blame China for this virus, instead of cussing out our fellow Jamaicans?
In March the health experts in Jamaica told us to expect over 1.5 million cases and expect over 60,000 deaths . Now in September, when the fatality rate in the one per cent range, they are now still using the same model to project 1.5 million Jamaicans to catch the virus and over 15,000 Jamaican deaths.
Members of the media and the health care sector should be careful on bashing Jamaicans because, like in America and elsewhere, people will eventually stop listening to them .
Teddylee Gray
Ocho Rios, St Ann