Independent UN rights expert calls for unilateral sanctions to be dropped against Venezuela
GENEVA, Switzerland (CMC)— Amid the mass migration of Venezuelans to the Caribbean, particularly Trinidad and Tobago and neighbouring South and Central American countries, an independent UN human rights expert has called for unilateral sanctions to be dropped against Venezuela.
“The devastating effect of sanctions imposed is multiplied by extra-territoriality and over-compliance adversely affecting public and private sectors, Venezuela citizens, and non-governmental organisations,” said Alena Douhan, Special Rapporteur on unilateral coercive measures and human rights, at the end of a two-week visit to Venezuela.
Imposed by the United States, European Union, as well as other countries, Douhan said the sanctions have sparked “economic, humanitarian and development crises, devastating the entire population, especially those living in extreme poverty, women, medical workers, individuals with life-threatening diseases and indigenous peoples.”
Douhan stressed that unilateral measures are only legal if they are authorised by the UN Security Council, used as countermeasures, or do not breach any obligation of states and do not violate fundamental human rights.
She also said that “humanitarian exemptions are lengthy, costly, ineffective and inefficient”.
The independent UN human rights expert said lack of electricity, water, fuel, food and medicine, along with the departure of qualified workers – many of whom have left the country for better economic opportunities – are having “enormous impact over all categories of human rights, including the rights to life, to food, to health and to development.”
She called on the sanction-imposing countries to observe the principles and norms of international law and reminded them that humanitarian concerns should always be taken into account with due respect to mutual respect, solidarity, cooperation and multilateralism.