Referendum still best choice
Dear Editor,
My suggestion that the question of whether abortion should remain a criminal offence be put to citizens in a referendum has elicited a few negative responses.
These responses centre on the desirability of a majority of citizens deciding the issue and if the majority is always right. I will respond to the issue of whether the majority is always right by declaring the concept of a democracy is not grounded on the principle of the majority being right. The concept is based, among other things, on the equality of all men and women, and one person one vote, with the majority prevailing.
History is replete with examples of the majority view being ultimately proved to be detrimental to the rights of the minority. However, majority rule, with all its warts, is still superior to all systems of minority rule in which one person, a select group or institution determining what is right and proper for the majority.
All democracies have provisions for individuals and minorities to approach the courts for redress if the majority infringes on their constitutional rights. This right is protected in the fundamental principle of democracy that the view of the majority should prevail while protecting the rights of the minority.
Another issue raised is that “Our leaders should lead…make tough decisions.” This could be considered a sound argument, but let’s examine the basis on which parliamentarians are elected in a representative democracy like ours. They are elected based on their personal or party’s manifesto — promises and proposals. It cannot and should not be assumed that a democratically elected government now has authority to make fundamental changes that were not put to the electorate before the vote.
In a democracy, all views must contend. No views (save for slander, libel, sedition, treason, inciting murder, etc) or individual should be “reined in”, but I maintain fundamental changes like how termination of the life of an unborn child is to be treated in law is best decided by citizens in a referendum.
Wayne Plummer
Greater Portmore, St Catherine